New patent pending curved design – our new knit blocking combs have a curved grip, making them both lighter and easier to use in attaching your project to the mat and in taking them out after your project is done. The new design is even better suited to match our Red Suricata Blocking Mats for knitting set.
Real time saver for blocking your knits - Whether you are blocking a swatch of knitting or your crochet baby blanket, your handiwork will stay taut, shaped and firmly in place! Our Knit Blocking Combs Set has combs with 8 or 4 pins so attaching the knit to the blocking mat or board is that much easier and quicker. Blocking with this set is actually enjoyable!
An extra 25% knit blocking combs will sure come handy – you know how you are always short a few of these blockers to block your handworks and are thinking of buying a second set? We provide an extra 25% combs right away – 15 (instead of 12) 8-pin combs and 10 (instead of 8) 4-pin combs. Still not enough? Get our 2-pack – you will still get 25% more combs than in 2 of our competitors’ boxes at an affordable price.
Designed to match the Red Suricata Blocking Mats for knitting – Our Knit blocking Combs set was specifically designed for ideal fit with our foam puzzle blocking board for knitting set with a perfectly aligned grid. The thickness of the Red Suricata mats will ensure that while using the combs and t-pins to block your project you will not scratch your table.
Out of the box blocking of round edges - The blockers aren’t suitable for round edges? No problem – the Red Suricata set already includes an extra 100 1.5” non rust high quality T-pins. These are kept in a specially crafted compartment of the storage box.